Autumn Bucket List – 10 must-do Fall activities

Autumn is almost gone, so make sure you don’t let it slip by without trying out a few of our must-do Fall activities!
- Go pick apples and make apple pie.
- Bundle up and stargaze.
- Try out new fall-themed desserts.
- Visit a local farm to purchase seasonal veggies/fruits.
- Host or attend a costume party.
- DIY Halloween costumes this year!
- Take a nature hike/walk around a local park.
- Visit a local museum and get a warm drink.
- Take a day-trip to a nearby town you have never been to.
- Go to the last drive-in of the year!
- Make popcorn and watch a spooky movie.
- Rake leaves and then play in them!
- Solve a puzzle as a family.
- Go to a local corn maze.
- Go to a pumpkin patch.
- Carve jack o’lanterns.
- Roast the pumpkin seeds.
- Make pumpkin pie.
- Decorate your house for halloween!
- Host a bonfire night and roast s’mores.
We hope you were able to collect some ideas for your very own Fall bucket list. We hope this Autumn treats you and your family well! Enjoy the cool nights and the approaching spooky season here in Boston! Download our bucket list and hang it on your fridge so your kids never get bored on the weekends or after school. Happy Autumn!